BRSP is located on Birchwood Spur Rd, 2.5 miles from the Glenn Highway off the North Birchwood exit, and adjacent to the Birchwood Airport.
BRSP is Southcentral Alaska’s premier shooting facility situated on 72 acres along the Cook Inlet. The Park has 8 rifle/pistol ranges with distances ranging from 7 to 300 meters, six with lighting for night shooting. The shotgun ranges are comprised of five trap, four skeet, three Five-Stand, a 100-target Sporting Clays walk-through course, and an international bunker trap. Twelve of these fields have lights for night shooting. A walk through 3D archery course is also available. Ranges are available for our members from 7am to 10pm. The Park also rents ranges to private groups and can also host your private shoot or event.
We also offer RV camping with water and electrical hookups and tent sites for our summer event season and as a place to relax for members.